Join Us For Our April 26th
Chapter Meeting
With Special Guest Speaker
Greg Magennis, Founder & Partner of Axiom Human Resources Development

Greg Magennis—Conscious Leadership
Conscious Capitalism's third tenet is Conscious Leadership, and in this session with Greg Magennis, he will lead us through an exploration of leadership challenges with self and others - foundational to our daily experiences as conscious leaders, how we can take on more conscious roles to attend to these challenges, and inspire others to follow.
Greg is Founder & Partner of Axiom Human Resource Development: Helping Leaders Recruit, Develop, & Grow. Outcome Focused, Driven by a Passion for People and Leaders who want to pay it forward by co-creating the next generation of leadership, Greg is a dedicated, practice-based leader, committed to supporting and inspiring lifelong learning through practice, in service of unlocking the very best that leaders have to offer their world.
Open to Members, $25 and Non-Members, $50
9:00 am - 10:30 am
9:00 am - 9:15 am — Networking
9:15 am - 9:30 am – Welcome remarks by Mike Sullivan plus a
Teeny Tiny "Ted" Talk from Bill Wallace & Julie Morris
9: 30 am - 10:00 am — Greg Magennis
10:00 am - 10:30 am — Networking
First United Bank—Dallas Uptown
1845 Woodall Rodgers Fwy, 2nd Floor Community Room
Light breakfast & coffee will be served.
Parking is available in the garage (in building) entered on St. Paul Street (going south turn right into garage). Parking spots for guests are on floor two or upper floors near 5-7 in spots that are not marked reserved. Bank will provide parking voucher to exit garage at no expense to guest.
Remaining Events for 2024
May 9-10, Conference
May 30, Give Back Event
June 26, Social
July 26, Chapter Event
August 23, Workshop
September 25, Social
October 25, Chapter Event
November 15, Ambassador Panel
Conscious Capitalism Dallas serves as a resource and community of practice for leaders on their purpose-driven journeys to elevate business.