Create a dynamic way forward for your organization! Join us for an interactive workshop on Stakeholder Orientation, one of the four tenets of Conscious Capitalism.
Dr. Alise Cortez will guide us to identify the needs of each of our stakeholder communities - and map out a plan to meaningfully address those needs while connecting your stakeholders to your organization’s purpose.

This workshop will enable you to see how we are all connected and how each of the stakeholders are critical to Conscious Capitalism and its Four Core Tenets: Higher Purpose, Stakeholder Orientation, Conscious Leadership and Conscious Culture.
You will be guided through a stakeholder mapping exercise for your OWN organization and identify a strategy to satisfy those needs with an elevated and inspiring approach.
Upon departing, you will hold in your hands a draft of your stakeholder strategy map which you can refine and connect to your organization’s purpose, mission, and vision.

Dr. Alise Cortez is a Chief Purpose Officer and Management Consultant dedicated to Awakening Passion, Inspiration and Purpose.
Her practice exists to help elevate leaders and companies toward higher consciousness and business practices that create workplaces where people thrive, develop inspirational leaders who bring them to their greatness, and do business that betters the world.
In addition to her practice, she hosts a weekly radio show, Working on Purpose, on which she has hosted multiple Conscious Capitalism guests including Dr. Raj Sisodia, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc.
Dr. Cortez also authored a book in 2020 called Purpose Ignited: How Inspiring Leaders Unleash Passion and Elevate Cause. Its ninth chapter is devoted to Conscious Capitalism.
Ready to get ALL your stakeholders aligned, excited, and committed to a mutually beneficial future?
Register Today! Better still, invite a friend or colleague who also wants to elevate his or her organization to be even more successful and a force for good.